Watch Jamie T’s “Sheila” Video

In this post-analog era there are superb artists that have fallen off the collective radar and disappeared into other realms. We’ll write soon about two such favorites of ours, Dumptruck and The Ass Ponys, which are amongst those desaparecidos.
But the artist whose disappearance boggles the mind (because of his brilliance, but also because he is a comparative contemporary whose music is of these times) is Britain’s Jamie T. Jamie T released two albums (Panic Prevention in 2007 and Kings & Queens in 2009) that remain two of our favorites of all time. He wedded his common-man, hip-hop vocals to a varied musical mash-up (including punk, pop, ska, disco and balladry) all to winning effect. And then in June 2010 he simply dropped off the face of the earth and hasn’t been heard from musically since (except for a few unfounded rumors), much to the consternation of his fandom.
We’ll write much more about Jamie T and those two fine albums another day, but in the meantime check out the outstanding official video for his haunting lament, Sheila, which featured actor Bob Hoskins walking along the River Thames lip synching to the lyrics. Come on back Jamie T!