Parrot No More–Birds and Bands of Another Color

In recent posts, we have derided some young bands’ blatant copying of the sounds and styles of more artful artists, and failing to add to or alter such sounds to make them their own.
Listen below to a smattering of young bands who have bucked that trend. These bands have incorporated in their songs some of the sounds and motifs of The Arcade Fire, but haven’t just provided mere effluent effigies thereof. Their songs are instructive as to how to properly borrow and how to do it well.
And while we’re on The Arcade Fire subject, give their new 12″ a spin (way below) before their new record, “The Suburbs,” is released on August 3rd.
But first listen to the bright promise and new fire heard in the young bands below.
We have seen The Middle East live twice, and each time their song, Blood, has been the highlight of the show. This Queensland, Australia band shows great promise.
The Middle East–Blood
[audio:|titles=17 Blood]Next up are Givers and their song, Saw You First.. Givers hails from Francophonic Lafayette, Louisiana so their raising up of Montreal’s Arcade Fire is understandable.
Givers–Saw You First
[audio:|titles=02 Saw You First]Comes now Typefighter (from Washington, DC) and their strong song, Ocean Floor.
Typefighter–Ocean Floor
[audio:|titles=18_ocean_floor]Brooklyn’s own Here We Go Magic bring their necromancy to their song, Collector.
Here We Go Magic–Collector
And last, but certainly not least, is LA’s Local Natives’ and their worldly song, World News.
Local Natives–World News
And now, from the source themselves, two great new songs from The Arcade Fire (click the arrow on left below 45 rpm):