If It’s Tuesday, It Must Be Tom and Angie (Les Shelleys–This Tuesday at Soho)

Opening up tomorrow night at Soho for The Weepies are Santa Barbara faves, Tom Brosseau and Angela Correa, in the guise of their joint-effort, “Les Shelleys.”
We have been the beneficiaries of various visits from Tom and Angie over the years, together and alone, though it has been too long since their last visit. It seems particularly long ago that we first heard them when they blew minds and warmed hearts at the first in-store performance they gave at Buffalo Records when it was on Calle Laurelles in Santa Barbara. And we fondly remember when they played a house party or two here (their cover of the Pixies “Where is My Mind” is indelibly etched in our collective craniums). Those were halcyon days. We were blown away by the talented duo and became instant fans, and have followed them (from near and afar) ever since.
Les Shelleys are touring in support of their soon-to-be released new CD. Come check out their moving harmonies and winning ways tomorrow night at Soho. Get there early for their set. You won’t be disappointed.
In the meantime, check out an earlier Shelley’s song (Bob Dylan’s Billy) and a few other favorites of ours off of Tom’s solo records.
Les Shelleys–Billy
[audio:https://www.thelefortreport.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/02-Track-02.mp3|titles=02 Track 02]Tom Brosseau–The Dark Garage
[audio:https://www.thelefortreport.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/01-The-Dark-Garage.mp3|titles=01 The Dark Garage]Tom Brosseau–The Portrait of George Washington
[audio:https://www.thelefortreport.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/08-The-Portrait-Of-George-Washington.mp3|titles=08 The Portrait Of George Washington] Tom Brosseau–Plaid Lined Jacket
[audio:https://www.thelefortreport.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/07-Plaid-Lined-Jacket.mp3|titles=07 Plaid Lined Jacket]