Belle and Sebastian Write about Love

We have been huge fans of Belle and Sebastian’s indie pop since the fin de siècle. The band has just released their new record, “Write About Love,” and it is further proof that this band is one of the finest pop bands on the planet. We also hear that their live act is not to be missed, though unfortunately we continue to have so missed.
Oft-compared to The Smiths (and Murdoch’s delivery and lyricism compared to Morrissey), the band and Murdoch stepped out on their last record (“The Life Pursuit”) with a full and fully-realized pop album (suffused with horns and strings) in which Murdoch shared much more straightforwardly his faith. With “Write about Love,” Murdoch is at times even more explicit.
The new record was recorded in Los Angeles earlier this year and produced by Tony Hoffer. The majority of the songs were written by leader, Stuart Murdoch, though the band contributed much to the songwriting and recording. Things have gotten to such a state with this ever-more-popular band that the languorous gad-about, Norah Jones, even came out to join the pop party on Little Lou, Ugly Jack, Prophet John. The title track also features guest vocalist, Carey Mulligan.
Our favorite tracks off the record (so far) are Calculating Bimbo and Sunday’s Pretty Icons. We like the following stanzas from the triple-entendre song, Calculating Bimbo:
“Save your pennies careful
Let both blue eyes be watchful
It’s best to forget freedom
It’s best to be enslaved
Better still to love first
Harder still to love first”
“With lots of time
A notebook full of the finest
Creamy rich girl parchment pages
Slowly filled with all your passing days
Every sacred word
Paints a picture”
Belle and Sebastian–Calculating Bimbo
[audio:|titles=03 Calculating Bimbo]
And check out these stanzas form Sunday’s Pretty Icons:
“Somebody asked me what heaven was like
Somebody asked me for heaven
Somebody asked me what heaven was like
Lunch in the happening canteen of our souls
Every girl you ever admired, every boy you ever desired
Every love you ever forgot, every person that you ever despised
Is forgiven”
Belle and Sebastian–Sunday’s Pretty Icons
[audio:|titles=11 Sunday’s Pretty Icons]And while you’re at it, check out their video below for I Want the World to Stop. We like the following stanza therein:
“Towns’ and cities’ populations up and grow
The workers move to the suburbs
In between I watch and go
I run alongside rush hour traffic
A prayer for every car”
And finally, below is video of the band performing the title track, Write About Love. We like the following stanzas therein:
“I know a spell
That would you make well
Write about love, it could be in any tense, but it must make sense”
“I know a way (so you know the way)
Get on your skinny knees and pray (Maybe not today)
You’ve got to see the dreams through the windows and the trees of your living room (of your living room)
You’ve got to see the dreams through the windows and the trees of your living room”