The Writer’s Almanac On Election Day (and Every Day Hereafter)

As we’ve written about before, Garrison Keillor is a national treasure. He is for us America’s Lifetime Entertainer Laureate.
If you haven’t checked it out before, check out Keillor’s stellar daily dose of poetry, prose and literary history here at The Writer’s Almanac. Today’s offering gives us the following C.G. Hanzlicek poem:
“To Be a Danger
Just once I’d like to be a danger
To something in this world,
Be hunted by cops
And forced into hiding in the mountains,
Since if they left me on the streets
I’d turn the country around,
Changing everyone’s mind with a word.
But I’ve lived so long a quiet life,
In a world I’ve made small,
That even my own mind changes slowly.
I’m a danger only to myself,
Like the daydreaming night watchman
Smoking his cigar
Near the dynamite shed.
“To Be a Danger” by C.G. Hanzlicek, from The Cave. © University of Pittsburgh Press, 2001.”