Seryn–This is Where We Are

The Denton, Texas band, Seryn, has been receiving a lot of buzz in the bidnezz, including at this year’s SXSW music-fest in Austin. Check out their songs, We Will All Be Changed and River Song, and then videos of them performing the former and another song (Our Love) live. We Will All Be Changed in particular lives up to its title, and can change your day for the better. The band’s sound is part of the new group-vocal-chant trend (Fleet Foxes, Local Natives, Middle East, Lost in the Trees, Typhoon, et. al), that may get old long-term, but for now is still invigorating. But we hope Seryn’s songwriting and lyrics will continue to evolve so that we continue to care where they are.
Seryn–We Will All Be Changed
Seryn–River Song
Seryn – Our Love from WeDentonDoIt on Vimeo.