Gored Again–New Antlers Imminent
Apr 15th, 2011 in Music
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The new, highly anticipated Antlers record, “Burst Apart,” (the follow-up to their masterpiece “Hospice”) is set to be released on May 9th digitally on French Kiss Records. Check out their great new song, Every Night My Teeth Are Falling Out, below and then go over to their site and pre-order Burst Apart here.
The Antlers–Every Night My Teeth Are Falling Apart
[audio:https://www.thelefortreport.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/06-Every-Night-My-Teeth-Are-Falling.mp3|titles=06 Every Night My Teeth Are Falling]And then check out (courtesy of Soundcloud) another interesting (somewhat tangential) Antlers song (Parenthesis) below.
The Antlers – Parentheses by Frenchkiss
If it’s even close to Hospice, Burst Apart could very well be 2011 Album of the Year. Time will tell.