Shepard Fairey Hails a Death Cab
May 9th, 2011 in Music
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True confession: we are probably more excited about the impending new Death Cab for Cutie album (“Codes and Keys”) than any other album to be released near-term (except maybe the new Wrens and Buellton albums; but seriously–we said near-term!).
With it’s last three releases, Death Cab has had a pop perfection three-peat (Transatlanticism, Plans and Narrow Stairs), and we at Lefort are hoping for more. A quartet would be nice.
Artist Shepard Fairey and Death Cab bassist Nicholas Harmer have collaborated to dream up the first video for the new album. Check out their video for the new song Home is a Fire below. And you can read some explanation/backdrop on the video and song from Fairey and Harmer over at Boing Boing.