Damien Jurado Covered By Fellow Seattle Musicians

Photo by Sarah Jurado
Thanks to our Seattle friends who passed along the good work being done this week on behalf of Seattle’s Damien Jurado by Andrew Mattson of the Seattle Times. In honor of Jurado and the issuance next week of Jurado’s new album, Mariqopa, Mattson has posted the Jurado Covers, a collection of Jurado’s songs covered by Seattle musicians, all as made available by Jurado’s wife, Sarah. Click on the links below and check out (and download) four great covers of Jurado songs, varying from the clean production of Jeremy Enigk (Sunny Day Real Estate), and the appropriately plaintive and harmonious deliveries of Al James (Dolorean) and Jon Russell (The Head and the Heart). But our pick of the four is the powerful cover of comparatively unknown I Am the Greatest Of All Liars by Pickwick (about which we’ve written before). And then after checking the covers, check out Jurado’s stirring performance (at the Seattle Times’ “press room”) of a new song (Museum of Flight) off of the new Mariqopa. As we wrote recently, you can currently stream Mariqopa over at the AV Club. You can also see Jurado perform four other songs off of Mariqopa for the Seattle Times HERE.
Jeremy Enigk – “Last Rights”
Al James (Dolorean) – “Cloudy Shoes”
Pickwick – “I Am the Greatest Of All Liars”
Jon Russell (The Head and the Heart) – “Beacon Hill”