The Triple: Bon Iver, Bonnie Bear and Bon Roots

Congrats to Bon Iver for taking home a couple of “unwanted” Grammy awards last weekend. In the aftermath, three great new video sessions have been released/re-released this week, the first two of which should sate those fans who have missed the smaller, more intimate “cabin-sounds” of the band’s 2008 album, For Emma, Forever Ago.
The first release is a 4AD Session at AIR Studios, with stripped-down, intimate versions of the songs performed just by Justin Vernon and the criminally underrated Sean Carey (known on his fine 2010 solo album as S. Carey). Check out the duet as they perform the following songs: Hinnom, TX; Wash.; Bonnie Raitt’s I Can’t Make You Love Me; Babys; and a far-preferred version of Beth/Rest. At times the influence of George Winston is unmistakeable. Afterward check out La Blogotheque’s just re-released sessions with “Bonnie Bear” in June 2008 HERE. Finally, at bottom check out a jam session with Justin Vernon and The Roots on the song Perth on the Jimmy Fallon Show.