Other Lives Perform on La Blogotheque’s “The Switch”

Oklahoma’s more-than-OK Other Lives thoroughly impressed during their opening set for Radiohead on the band’s recent tour leg and particularly at the Santa Barbara County Bowl. As we said in our review of Radiohead’s Bowl show, the Other Lives seem to have come under the particular influence of Radiohead (and who can blame them) and enlarged and morphed their sound to match more closely their touring colleagues. For a flavor, watch below and listen to Other Lives’ performances (in LA following Coachella) for “The Switch” presented by La Blogotheque and YouTube. You can hear the Radiofied sound in particular on the first performance (of For 12). Also included are performances of Desert (with Jesse Tabish‘s vocals sounding more Yorke-ish than ever), Tamer Animals (with its Interpol accents), Old Statues and Dust Bowl, all off of last year’s critically-acclaimed Tamer Animals album.