Watch Polica on WFUV’s “Alternate Side” and NPR

KEXP just released a variety of video vignettes of the band Real Estate performing live at the Neptune Theater in Seattle last month. We checked ’em all out in hopes of posting accolades (their latest record is much-loved by people we respect). But after giving ’em their due, these videos only confirm the conclusion we drew a couple years ago after catching the band locally: while they make pleasant-sounding jangle-pop records, there remains no ostensible reason to spend any time or money to see the band live. They make a pleasant sound, but don’t better the records, and completely lack any energy, dynamism, tension or stage-presence to bring the songs to life. Check the KEXP videos if you don’t believe us. Paint. Drying. You’ve been warned.
In stark contrast (yes, a long precis to the main point) is the surging, Justin Vernon-tapped Minneapolis band, Polica. They have a much-lauded new album entitled Give You The Ghost, and we loved their performance on the Jimmy Fallon Show last month. Now check out their riveting performance of Lay Your Cards Out on WFUV’s “Altnernate Side” show. Who can take their ears off of lead singer Channy Leaneagh (of band Gayngs)? The sound and mood draw you in immediately. Leaneagh demands that cards be layed on the table. And the song propels along beseechingly, intermittently punctuated by the stellar stoccato-drumming of Ben Ivascu. Great stuff that warrants repeated listens/viewings. Check it out below. After is an added 30-minute vignette of the band performing at this year’s SXSW courtesy of NPR. We find ourselves in a Polica state.