I-N-F-E-C-T-I-O-U-S Dance Video
Jul 23rd, 2012 in Music
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This just says summertime. For those needing a recipe for a thoroughly infectious dance video, please see below and the video of the resulting dance plague:
Take one driving dance song entitled In The Air, created by Angela McCluskey (Scottish singer-songwriter who has performed with bands Wild Colonials, Curio and Télépopmusik, and been featured in multiple soundtracks and commercials), and composers Morgan Page, BT and Sultan & Shepard.
Add clips of various gifted young dancers of all varieties (our fave appears at 3:46, but all good).
Bake on high with direction and editing by “Bernadette Stuff.”
Repeat. Repeatedly.
IN THE AIR featuring Angela McCluskey, Morgan Page, BT and Sultan & Shepard from bernadette stuff on Vimeo.