Check Out Ultraista, New Band of Nigel Godrich (Radiohead Producer)
Aug 25th, 2012 in Music
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The uber-talented Brit producer Nigel Godrich (Radiohead, REM, Pavement, Travis, etc.) and Atoms For Peace member has teamed up with AFP’s mad-skills drummer, Joey Waronker, and London artist Laura Bettinson to form the band Ultraista. Ultraista will be releasing its self-titled debut October 2nd on Temporary Residence. The band has just released new song Bad Insect, the third track released from the album. The song features Godrich’s electro-fandangle, Waronker’s usual and Bettinson on vocals. After Radiohead and AFP, all else will will sound comparatively light and breezy. But Bad Insect is a very listenable species indeed. After Bad Insect, check out two other Ultraista tracks, Static Light and Smalltalk.