Watch Field Report Perform “Fergus Falls”

Who hasn’t thought to themselves, while visiting and singing (?) in the reverberating environs of an empty latrine: wouldn’t this make a fine location to record that heartfelt ode? Oh, so that’s just us? Never mind.
The folks at Philadelphia’s Out of Town Films obviously have pondered the concept though. Having been thwarted in their attempt to record Field Report singing their all-time song Fergus Falls at a sound-check this summer, they retreated to a nearby lavatory. And therein magic was made (careful).
We’ve written of our affection for this song and its affect on us, but check out this performance. At the beginning, the other sound-checking band bleeds in from afar, but Field Report soon seizes the sound and has its way. The natural reverb can be heard beginning at 4:29. But chills may ensue at 4:32 until the pay-off at 4:40.
And then there’s the unavoidable potty humor. Boys will be boys.