Calle 13–Nothing Lost in Translation

Puerto Rico band Calle 13 recently appeared on our radar screen, and we of the Calle (Granada) are now deeply engrossed in the band and their innovative/moving videos and songs. We admit that our allegiance to lyrics (in our native English) and their emotional sway has caused us to frequently skip over wide swaths of music primarily because we did not comprehend and appreciate the featured foreign tongue (mais, pas la langue Francaise). Shame on us. In the case of Calle 13, with the aid of their powerful videos and songs, we now completely comprehend their messages and the weight of their songs.
We were introduced to Calle 13 initially via their harrowing, UNICEF-endorsed video (immediately below) for their song La Bala (The Bullet). The song speaks specifically to violence in Latin America, but the video follows an invisible bullet that shatters lives not just in Latin America, but around the world. Through this song, the band’s René Pérez Joglar (aka Residente) and Eduardo Cabra Martínez (aka Visitante) argue against the heart-rending violence that surrounds them. The band has said this: “La Bala has stopped being a song within our musical production to become an instrument against violence and the use of firearms around the world,” said Visitante. ”This is a battle for peace, and throughout history, music has been a fundamental element that sways the emotions of those who can identify with the message. We trust the music, once again, will help to achieve such an important goal for all humanity”. Hear, hear! The video supports with vignettes of devastation from around the world.
Check out La Bala below, followed by the bilingual lyrics, and then followed by a few more superb videos/song-gems from Calle 13. Make no mistake: Calle 13 are seriously serious. But as you will see it’s not all heaviness and political as you will see. If you want to hear more in the genre, or be better tuned in to the alternative Latin scene, check out NPR’s Alt-Latino program HERE.
La Bala:
“El martillo impacta la aguja.
La explosión de la pólvora con fuerza empuja,
Movimiento de rotación y traslación,
Sale la bala arrojada fuera del cañón.
The hammer hits the needle.
The explosion of gunpowder pushes forcefully,
Movement of rotation and translocation,
Out comes the bullet shot out of the canon.
Con un objetivo directo,
La bala pasea segura y firme durante su trayecto
Hiriendo de muerte al viento, más rápida que el tiempo,
Defendiendo cualquier argumento.
With a clear objective,
The bullet crosses its trajectory with certainty and firmness,
Mortally wounding the wind, faster than time,
Defending whatever argument.
No le importa si su destino es violento,
Va tranquila, la bala no tiene sentimientos.
Como un secreto que no quieres escuchar,
La bala va diciéndolo todo sin hablar.
It does not care if its destiny is violent,
It goes calmly; the bullet has no feelings.
Like a secret that you do not want to hear,
The bullet says everything without speaking.
Sin levantar sospecha, asegura su matanza,
Por eso tiene llena de plomo su panza.
Para llegar a su presa no necesita ojos
Y más cuando el camino se lo traza un infrarojo.
Without warning, it ensures its kill, [*lit. Without raising suspicion, it ensures its kill]
That’s why it has its belly filled with lead.
To reach its prey, it does not need eyes,
Especially when its path is traced by infrared.
La bala nunca se da por vencida.
Si no mata hoy, por lo menos deja una herida.
Luego de su salida, no habrá detenida,
Obedece a su patrón una sola vez en su vida.
The bullet never gives up. [*lit. The bullet never gives itself up as beaten]
If it does not kill today, at least it leaves behind a wound.
After its exit, there is no stopping it,
It obeys its master just once in its life.
Hay poco dinero, pero hay muchas balas.
Hay poca comida, pero hay muchas balas.
Hay poco gente buena, por eso hay muchas balas.
Cuida’o que ahí viene una. (Pla! Pla! Pla! Pla!)There is little money, but there are many bullets.
There is little food, but there are many bullets.
There are few good people, that’s why there are so many bullets.
Careful because here comes one. (Plah! Plah! Plah! Plah!)(x2)Se escucha un disparo, agarra confianza,
El sonido la persigue, pero no la alcanza.
La bala sacas sus colmillos de acero
Y sin pedir permiso, entra por el cuero.A shot is heard, it gains confidence,
Sound pursues it, but does not reach it.
The bullet pulls out its steel fangs
And without asking permission, enters through the hide.Muerde los tejidos con rabia y arranca
El pecho a las arterias para causar hemorragia.
Vuela la sangre batida de fresa,
Salsa boloñesa, syrup de frambuesa.It bites the tissue with rage and it yanks
The chest toward the arteries to cause hemorrhage.
The blood flies, strawberry milkshake,
Bolognese sauce, raspberry syrup.Una cascada de arte contemporáneo,
Color rojo vivo, sale por el cráneo.A cascade of contemporary art,
Vivid red color, exits through the cranium.
[Chorus: “Hay poco dinero, pero hay muchas balas…”, x2]
Sería inaccesible el que alguien te mate
Si cada bala costara lo que cuesta un yate.
Tendrías que ahorrar todo tu salario,
Para ser un mercenario, habría que ser millonario.
It would be inaccessible for someone to kill you
If every bullet cost what a yacht costs.
You would have to save up all your salary,
To be a mercenary, you would have to be a millionaire.
Pero no es así, se mata por montones,
Las balas son igual de baratas que los condones.
Hay poca educación; hay muchos cartuchos.
Cuando se lee poco, se dispara mucho.
But it is not like that, there is killing in bulk,
Bullets are as cheap as condoms.
There is little education; there are many cartridges.
When there is little reading, there is a lot of shooting.
Hay quienes asesinan y no dan la cara;
El rico da la orden y el pobre la dispara.
No se necesitan balas para probar un punto.
Es lógico, no se puede hablar con un difunto.
There are those who murder and do not show their face;
The rich man gives the order and the poor execute it.
One does not need bullets to prove a point.
It makes sense, one cannot speak with the deceased.
El diálogo destruye cualquier situación macabra.
Antes de usar balas, disparo con palabras.
Pla! Pla! Pla! Pla!
Dialogue destroys any macabre situation.
Before using bullets, I shoot words.
Plah! Plah! Plah! Plah!
[Chorus: “Hay poco dinero, pero hay muchas balas…”, x2]”