It’s Dance Thursday–Watch Solange Sashay on Letterman Show
Feb 28th, 2013 in Music
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Thom Yorke isn’t the only one dancing on our screens today. One of our new-found faves, Solange, appeared on the Letterman Show last night to perform Don’t Let Me Down from last year’s recording True. Check her and her band (including Dev Hynes of Lightspeed Champion and Blood Orange) laying down a nice groove on the song from last year’s EP True. The entire performance is hypnotic, resulting in a classic Letterman summary and entreaty: “Here’s what we’ll do. We’ll go on tour, all right? We’ll all go on tour, like two and a half months, and I’ll come out and I’ll tell my jokes, then you guys will come and just kill, blow the roof off the place. And backstage it’ll be horseplay.”