Watch Why? Perform “Shag Carpet” for Radio K

Yoni Wolf, of the fantastic and fantastically under-appreciated band Why?, is one of our favorite lyricists-songwriters. A few years back Why? unleashed a stentorian, stereophonic one-two via their twinned-albums, Alopecia and Eskimo Snow. In late 2012 Why? released another one-two via their Sod in the Seed EP and new album Mumps, Etc., both of which have added greatly to their beguiling discography. The band is now located in Wolf’s native Cincinnati after a long stint in Oakland, and is now out on tour in support of Mumps, Etc. We’ll write more soon about this great band and, in particular, the weight and worth of Wolf’s wordsmithing, but to get a feel for Wolf and the band check out the vignette below of them performing their song Shag Carpet on Minneapolis’ Radio K.