Watch/Listen As Parquet Courts Perform On WNYC’s Soundcheck
After writing about them yesterday, we were thrilled to discover that Parquet Courts recently performed for WNYC’s Soundcheck studio. Watch the band’s Andrew Savage and Austin Brown below as they perform a medley of two of their songs, Master Of My Craft and Borrowed Time. The Fall’s influence on the band is particularly evident on Master Of My Craft.
These radio studio performances are tricky business. For the balladeers and other similars it can push them over the top, but for rockers lacking an audience’s energy and participation, it can be dicey (particularly when viewed rather than listened to). Watch the young Parquet Courts as they deftly walk that tightrope. Ultimately the band wins out and stays aloft. You can listen to the rest of the band’s session and interview at WNYC HERE. Having just tried both, we’d say the audio version is the pick. And that’s our public service announcement for the day. And that part yesterday about not caring for Stoned And Starving? Fuggedaboutit. The song was the highlight of this WNYC session (as heard on the longer audio version).