Watch Kopecky Family Band Perform for HearYa, KrochetKids and InTheOpenTV

Kopecky Family Band have been garnering deserved attention following the release this month of their well-crafted debut album Kid Raising Kids. We were reminded of this chamber-folk-pop band when we recently saw their uplifting official video for Hope off the new album. Speaking of chambers, check out the band performing Are You Listening in a cave for InTheOpenTV. The natural reverb in the cavern is a perfect fit for the band’s superb group vocals. Keeping with the chamber theme, after check the band’s leaders performing the new album’s Heartbeat in a drainpipe. And finally, check them out performing in a studio chamber the song Angry Eyes (no, not that one) for HearYa. This band can both ballad and bray well, and is well worth keeping your ears and eyes open for. They play the Outside Lands Festival in San Francisco in August, with all their tour dates listed HERE.