Watch Neil Young Sing “Long May You Run” To Willie Nelson

If you’ve read Neil Young’s telling autobiography, Waging Heavy Peace, you know that old-man Young is now prone to pay tribute to many of the people that have had major impacts on his life. Young first met Willie Nelson back in the early ’80s, and Young helped Willie on Nelson’s first Farm Aid fundraiser in 1985 and thereafter. As you will see below, Young clearly has a soft spot (who doesn’t?) for Willie Nelson. Watch below (via TwentyFourBit) as Young poignantly sings (from the next CMT Crossroads episode) his sweetly nostalgic song Long May You Run for Willie Nelson as a part of Nelson’s 80th birthday celebration. As Twenty-Four Bit points out, Young joked before playing the song that “I wrote it for my car, but it works for you great.” The hug between these musical greats at the end is priceless. Long may they both run.