Listen-to/Watch Two New Neko Case Videos Off of Impending New Album

Aug 8th, 2013 in Music


We’re oft-distracted and a little slow.  And so we occasionally overlook salient occasions.  Such as the release of a new Neko Case album!  Heaven knows they only come around every once in a blue moon these days, with her last album release occurring in a bluish 2009 (Middle Cyclone).  That’s a millennium ago in this digitalis morass.  But to the point: Neko Case will release her new album The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You, on September 3rd.  We can’t wait.

To wit, today Case and Anti-Records released the album’s second (!) video, the lyric video for the unsettling song Night Still Comes.  Said video follows on the hills of the initial video release for album track Man. Check both out below, and then order her new album HERE.

Ms. Case is also out on tour and the dates are listed HERE.  We last caught her live at LA’s since-shuttered Brown Derby venue, and it was one of the finest nights ever of musical magic.  Highly recommended.

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