Read George Saunders’ Titular Story from His Short Story Collection “Tenth of December”

We are coming off a bender. A word and image bender. A word bender of brilliance, hilarity, fright, disquietude, and uplift. All in one short story collection. We’ve just feasted on George Saunders’ short story collection, Tenth of December, and like many before us (read, for example, The New Yorker’s article George Saunders Has Written the Best Book You’ll Read This Year HERE), we heartily recommend these awe-inspiring writings to you. Tenth of December may now stand as our favorite of all-time in the genre. If you like short stories, or even if you don’t (true confession: not our favorite genre), this book will knock you back and cause you to take stock. These stories are not for the faint of heart (since: life), but your courage and fortitude will be gravely rewarded (if you will). The gravitas is, however, leavened throughout with satire and hilarious wordplay.
For a sample, you can go over to The New Yorker HERE and read the title story (which is simply one of the best short stories we’ve ever read). And if you like it, there’s much more where that came from in Tenth of December. Highly recommended. Excuse us while we head off to purchase every other George Saunders book that’s been published.