Watch Janelle Monáe Take Over Letterman’s Stage and Desk

Janelle Monáe has released her second album The Electric Lady and let the world know by seizing the Letterman Show stage and Dave’s desk last night to perform Dance Apocalyptic. Monáe raged around the studio in front of her 8-piece band in white and striped get-ups (with token conga player), cavorting with the cameras and Paul Shaffer before jumping up on Letterman’s desk and letting loose. She then slammed a mic stand down and walked out the doors in a tour de force performance.
Before she came out, Letterman told the audience to “Get ready, and get ready again” for Monáe because the last time she had been on his show (her TV debut) she had “turned the dump over.” Once again Letterman knew what he was talking about, and afterwards he equated her to the likes of James Brown when he pronounced her “the hardest working woman in show business.” Spot on. Check it out below.