On Monday: “Take Care” by Big Star

We admit we didn’t fully appreciate Big Star’s Third/Sister Lovers 1978 album until much, much later. It wasn’t until 1985 when we couldn’t take the huzzahs any more and bought PVC’s reissue of the vinyl album. And then we wore out the grooves. To this day, the album serves up some of the best, most harrowing pop/rock ever recorded.
Over the weekend we read Brainpickings’ review of Jennifer Hecht’s superb counter-suicide book Stay). As we listened (yet again) to Sister Lovers (with the Stay review still picking our brains), we were taken anew by one of our favorite songs, Take Care, off of Sister Lovers (Nighttime is another). There have been many superb anti-suicide songs throughout time, but Take Care is what we heard this time. Listen below to the sweet encouragement we hear in Alex Chilton’s song.
Do take care this Monday and throughout. The song’s lyrics follow the song.
“Take care not to hurt yourself
Beware of the need for help
You might need too much
And people are such
Take care
Please, take care
Some people read idea books
And some people have pretty looks
But if your eyes are wide
And all words aside
This sounds a bit like goodbye
In a way it is, I guess
As I leave your side
I’ve taken the air.”