There’s Never a Bad Day to Watch Elbow Perform “One Day Like This”

It’s the Holiday season and cynicism is everywhere. We get it. We’re not immune. But surely there must be an alternative. We’d propose a dose of Elbow. Watch below as the band performs their ebulliently majestic One Day Like This two Decembers ago in the freezing cold of Leuven, Belgium. Holy cow and holy crap! Guy Garvey and the band have the hearts of lions, and despite the Belgian December, this performance captures well the appropriate and intended séance of the season. Throw those curtains wide! Garvey is one of the few that can pull this off. We last saw it in Golden Gate Park in 2011 at Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival.
Elbow will release its new (as yet untitled) album in the new year and tour behind it in Europe and (hopefully) around the globe. Don’t you miss it.