Watch “Calm It Down” Lyric Video from New Sufjan Stevens/Son Lux/Serengeti Project “Sisyphus” (Explicit)

Sisyphus is the new moniker for the Sufjan Stevens, Serengeti, and Son Lux ensemble (formerly known as “s/s/s“). Sisyphus will release it’s eponymous debut album (partly inspired by the art of Jim Hodges), and commissioned by the Walker Art Center and The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra’s Liquid Music series in Minneapolis/Saint Paul. The album will be released on February 14th, followed by a wide release (CD/LP/Digital) on March 18th, 2014 through Asthmatic Kitty Records and Joyful Noise Recordings.
In the meantime you can watch/listen/download the official lyric video for first track Calm It Down below (the download is available at the widget at bottom).
Warning: If you can’t stomach f-bombs and other explicitness, skip ahead to 2:21 in the song and let it ride for clean lyrics. Great new sounds from Sisyphus. Let that proverbial rock be ever-pushed up that mountain.