Wherefore Art Thou Destroyer? Watch/Listen to “Song For America”

We know Dan Bejar has recently been singing five or more songs in Spanish on a solo “Destroyer” tour, which is all bueno, but we are hoping for a return soon to the mode found on Destroyer’s Best of 2011 album Kaputt. Kaputt remains a masterpiece from head to toe. Perhaps Bejar feels he can reach no higher. Perhaps the risk/reward calculus reads kaput. Regardless, our Destroyer desire was rekindled recently by two live performances in 2011 of Kaputt’s masterful Song For America. First, check out below the performance captured on video by iCat fm. Whatever you do, hang in until 3:37 when the band truly takes flight. Afterwards, listen to the song performed and recorded superbly on KEXP. When ya comin’ back in full Bejar? Destroy us softly and soon.