Watch Glen Hansard, Elvis Costello, Lisa Hannigan and a Host Commemorate Ceiliúradh at Royal Albert Hall

Last weekend a host of Irish artists and musicians performed in London’s Royal Albert Hall to commemorate Irish President Michael D. Higgins‘ historic visit (the first official visit of an Irish President) to the UK. The event was dubbed Ceiliúradh (celebration).
Watch below first as the great Glen Hansard performs Parting Glass in Myles O’Reilly’s (Arbitus Yarns) short video of the event’s rehearsal and celebration.
Next up watch the entire gang (including Hansard, Lisa Hannigan, Elvis Costello and a host of other fine musicians) perform the modern Irish anthem The Auld Triangle. The song was made famous by The Dubliners and attributed to Irish writer Brendan Behan about the occurrences in a prison (actually Mountjoy Prison where Behan had once been ensconced for his IRA activities) and the triangle’s beating on the day a convict is set to be executed. The triangle in the title evidently refers to the large metal triangle which was beaten daily in Mountjoy Prison to wake the inmates. The triangle still hangs in the prison at the center where the wings meet on a metal gate. The beauty/irony of the song’s performance (near the “Royal canal”) is not lost on the joyous crowd.
After, watch Hansard, Hannigan and John Sheahan perform Hansard’s Oscar-winning song Falling Slowly.
And finally, watch President Higgins’ speech. And give thanks.