Watch Neil Young Perform “Needle of Death” off New Album “A Letter Home”

Neil Young will on May 27th release his new album of cover songs entitled A Letter Home, which was “reproduced” by Jack White and Young. Check out Young below performing Bert Jansch’s song Needle of Death in a refurbished 1947 Voice-o-Graph vinyl recording booth at White’s Third Man Records in Nashville. Needle of Death’s inspiration for Young’s superb On The Beach song Ambulance Blues is obvious (listen to it at bottom). Young told Rolling Stone back in 1992:
“I was especially taken by Needle Of Death, such a beautiful and angry song. That guy was so good… And years later, on On The Beach, I wrote the melody of Ambulance Blues by styling the guitar part completely on Needle Of Death. I wasn’t even aware of it, and someone else drew my attention to it.”
Here is a list of the cover songs on the new album:
1. Changes (Phil Ochs)
2. Girl From The North Country (Bob Dylan)
3. Needle of Death (Bert Jansch)
4. Early Morning Rain (Gordon Lightfoot)
5. Crazy (Willie Nelson)
6. Reason To Believe (Tim Hardin)
7. On The Road Again (Willie Nelson)
8. If You Could Read My Mind (Gordon Lightfoot)
9. Since I Met You Baby (Ivory Joe Hunter)
10. My Hometown (Bruce Springsteen)
11. I Wonder If I Care As Much (Everly Brothers)