Watch Conor Oberst Perform (with Dawes) This Morning On CBS This Morning

Conor Oberst’s outstanding new album Upside Down Mountain has wormed its way into our ears and won’t desist. This morning on CBS This Morning Oberst was interviewed and performed three songs off the new album, including a solo performance of one of the most talked-about tracks on the new album, You Are Your Mother’s Child. The song is a coming of age song (timed perfectly for graduation season) that’s been dubbed an update of Harry Chapin’s classic (maudlin) Cat’s In The Cradle. Oberst sings in the role of a contrite father, proud of his kid’s accomplishments despite his own shortcomings as a father. “I definitely struggled with whether to put that one on the record,” Oberst told Billboard magazine. “It has more sentimentality to it than any of the other songs, but I’ve seen a lot of friends go through that stuff. [Having kids] would be a cool thing to do someday. I don’t particularly feel ready for it right now, but I guess no one ever does.”
After, check out the phenomenal album opener, Time Forgot (a web-exclusive), and Hundreds of Ways, on which the dynamic Dawes provided stentorian support.