Watch The National (with Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon and The Walkmen’s Hamilton Leithauser) at Primavera Festival

Jeesh, we haven’t written about The National in weeks. Let’s fix that quick. Last night in Barcelona during The National’s Primavera Festival set, the band brought out Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon (whose Volcano Choir also made an appearance) to join for Slow Show (at the 4:00 mark in the first video below) and the Walkmen’s Hamilton Leithauser and Paul Maroon helped out on Mr. November and Terrible Love. Check out these performances below. Oh to be in Barcelona. The National’s setlist follows the videos. Sadly, the standard Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks sing-along was dropped as the set-ender. A crying shame. Spain’s loss.
You can live stream the remainder of the Primavera Festival HERE.
Primavera Setlist:
Don’t Swallow the Cap
I Should Live in Salt
Mistaken for Strangers
Bloodbuzz Ohio
Sea of Love
Hard to Find
Afraid of Everyone
Conversation 16
Squalor Victoria
I Need My Girl
This Is the Last Time
Slow Show (with Justin Vernon)
About Today
Fake Empire
Mr. November (with Hamilton Leithauser & Paul Maroon)
Terrible Love (with Paul Maroon)