A Wealth of Jack White Riches This Week–Watch Last Night’s Fonda Theater Show and Conan Appearance

It’s been quite a week for Jack White. Following on the heels of his lively, hectoring appearance on The Tonight Show on Monday and the release of his artfully-agro new solo album Lazarreto on Tuesday, last night White appeared on Conan and NPR broadcast his entire concert (all two hours of it, including White Stripes, Raconteurs and Hank Williams songs) at the Fonda Theater in LA. You can watch all of the Conan participation below and his entire Fonda show on NPR HERE.
On Conan, the comparatively subdued new songs Temporary Ground and Alone In My Home were well-wrought and a welcome wind-down from the more incendiary fare presented by White.
Lazaretto is out now on Third Man/Columbia, and Jack White is off to some tiny festival known as “Bonnaroo.” Ever hear of it?
Temporary Ground:
Alone In My Home: