Spoon Pays In Full on “Rent I Pay”
Jun 17th, 2014 in Music
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The Jamaicans say: “dem dat knows it, feels it.” Such is the case with the grinding and killing new song, Rent I Pay, from Spoon (who we first saw live when they opened for Guided By Voices in 1996). We throw up the words above only to show that you will feel this song so much more than its printed lyrics and sheet music. You can read the lyrics above, but if that’s all you do, you might miss the underlying payment and pain that simmers within. Specific lines do ring true such as “Out amongst the stars and stones, every kinda fortune gets old.” But this gritty rocker is more about the feel. Spoon feels it, and is set to release its new album They Want My Soul on August 5th via Loma Vista, their new label.