Your Saturday Uplift: Watch Ages And Ages’ Official Videos For “Divisionary (Do the Right Thing)”

Quite a while ago we had grown weary of the groupsing thing coming out of the Northwest and elsewhere. Too many cherubic faces singing in unison about uninteresting universes. Distance can make the heart grow fonder, though. And it doesn’t hurt the groupsing cause if you toss in a children’s choir and brass for days, and sing an encouraging verse. To wit, check out the witty Ages And Ages below as they sing Divisionary (Do the Right Thing), seemingly with the entire populous of Portland on tap. As for the encouraging verse, as the band says: “This song is about keeping yourself right even amidst darkness and negativity. For the official video [Ed.–following the live video], we decided to portray this struggle through the story of a bunch of young kids who set out to make things right, but lose a part of themselves along the way. They may have started off on the same path and with good intentions, but their struggle reveals varying agendas and leads them in very different directions.” Hmm. What part of those words reminds us so much of current and historical world conflicts? Hmm, let’s see…. Regardless, if you need a lift this Saturday (or any other day), this song might fill that need. Check it out live and in studio below. The song’s lyrics follow.
Do the right thing do the right thing
do it all the time do it all the time
make yourself right, never mind them
don’t you know you’re not the only one suffering
I see you up again wandering so diligently
crossing your t’s as though it weren’t irrelevant
they say formality, this is what they really meant:
they can be the walk and we can be the pavement
Do the right thing do the right thing
do it all the time do it all the time
make yourself right, never mind them
don’t you know you’re not the only one suffering
So what you’re up against all the disingenuous
They wave you along and say there’s always room for us
But we know better than that to take’em serious.
Still don’t let’em make you bitter in the process
And when the light is up, this is how oughta be
We’ll make it alright, they’ll come around eventually
They say it’s nothing but that ain’t the reality
They may take us on but they can never take us easy
Cuz they ain’t moving, they’re just moving around
So if you love yourself, you better get out now
I hear a higher calling
Better here than there I guess
so long