Watch Spoon Perform “I Just Don’t Understand” with Dale Watson at Hollywood Forever Cemetery on 8/8
Aug 26th, 2014 in Music
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Regrets, we’ve had a few more. At the end of our recently declared Spoon Week (the first week in August in honor of the release of their fantastic new album, They Want My Soul), Spoon played at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. We tried our best to make it, but the stars and spoons just would not align that night. This morning the band thankfully highlighted a fan video of one of the songs from that set, I Just Don’t Understand, with opener Dale Watson aiding and abetting on vocals and guitar. Check it out below, and while you’re at it, check out our favorite song, Inside Out, and the grinding Do You, all off the new album. We won’t miss ’em the next time they come around.
Photo by Debi Del Grande