Watch “Neil Young and Crazy Host” (Stephen Colbert) Perform Last Night on The Colbert Report

Neil Young has frankly been getting on our last nerve. While he is one of our all-time favorite artists, his ridiculously high-priced recent tours, PONO-grandstanding, and (horrors) divorce of long-loved wife Pegi (for Daryl Hannah?), have taken a toll on our admiration. Thankfully, Young showed up on The Colbert Report last night and took in stride some hilarious slings and arrows from Stephen Colbert. And so some of the Young-love has been restored. Neil is out promoting his new book, Special Deluxe: A Memoir of Life & Cars, along with new album Storytone (out November 4th), and new digital music player (dubbed “Toblerone” by Colbert). After a hilarious interview (see at bottom), the two performed Young’s new single Who’s Gonna Stand Up? (And Save The Earth). Watch below as Colbert provides the politically-incorrect, humorous counterpart to Young. We love the intro by Young of “Neil Young and Crazy Host.” Check out the performance and interview below.