Watch Tom Vek on KCRW

Londoner Tom Vek has ventured in and out of our musical consciousness for years, but we have never paid proper attention to him. Well, to quote Vek (from the song below): “Nobody’s perfect!” We hereby repent after catching smatterings of his great new album Luck and his recent performances on the multimedia circuits. To get a feel for his punkier side, check out he and his mates’ performance below on KCRW of Sherman (Animals In The Jungle). It’s somewhere between the Fall’s Mark E. Smith and Joy Division’s Ian Curtis, and we’re all in in that musical jungle. Superb stuff from Tom Vek. We’ve had it on repeat all day. It’ll take ya back and lift you up. We’ll have more about this deserving artist shortly. You can listen to the rest of the KCRW set HERE.