Listen to New Elvis Perkins’ Song From Impending Album “I Aubade”

After two stunning releases in the aughts, New York songwriter Elvis Perkins somewhat disappeared for five years. Now Perkins has announced a new album via his own MIR imprint, I Aubade.
As a preview of the LP, check out below (via Stereogum) the first single therefrom, Hogus Pogus. The track evinces a sunnier outlook than we’ve predominantly perceived previously from Perkins. To get a feel for the less sunny (and for good reason) go HERE to hear one of the all-time greats, Perkins’ beyond-sorrow song Ash Wednesday.
Perkins has this to say about the new album:
“Here lies my third Long-Playing collection of songs. The vast majority of what can be heard is the product of my own placement of microphone to source in the period between February 2012 & December 2013. My previous releases had for the most part been made with steady players in studios and overheard by engineers and producers, so this was for me both a novel approach and a return to the 4-tracking solitary self of my early 20′s.
“I recorded and edited mostly at home {middle new york}, sometimes with others and at their places {hudson, dallas, los angeles}, in american hotels and for a spell in a ‘Wilderness’ {im}mobile home happenstantially catching radio waves {ojai}. Ultimately it is a record full of waves and of changes.”