Reaching Into the Backwaters: Watch Phosphorescent Cover Dylan’s “Tomorrow Is a Long Time”

Most of the year, the musical Niagara Falls flies by full-flow. We all shakily extend our cups into the roaring sound-cavalcade and pull out what we can. But we miss so much, only to find it later downstream in the lazier river. It’s in this Thanksgiving season that the waters slow somewhat. Thankfully. Given the slowing and current events, now seems as good a time as any to pull this one up from January of this year. The world is again Dylan-agog following the outstanding release of the updated Basement Tapes box sets (guilty as charged: we can’t stop listening to the poor-man’s version, the two-disc Basement Tapes Raw distillation). And one of our favorites, Phosphorescent, just rolled through Los Angeles and wowed the cognoscenti once again (missed it–more regrets). Combining the two, watch as Phosphorescent (leader Matthew Houck solo) covers Dylan’s Tomorrow Is A Long Time for WNRN. It’s a faithful rendering, but aided immeasurably by Houck’s world-weary vocals. Phosphorescent is known for their outstanding covers (Vampire Weekend’s Ya Hey, Jesse Colter’s Storms Never Last, and Randy Newman’s Days of Heaven to name a few). This one fits nicely into Phosphorescent’s covers quiver. Happy Thanksgiving y’all!