Watch Paolo Nutini Perform “Let Me Down Easy”

The R&B/Old Soul field has been tilled and planted, and is seemingly full-up with legitimate throwback talents such as Sharon Jones and Charles Bradley, and newcomers such as Sam Smith and host of hundreds. In short, the genre is at risk of over-saturation. So one has to ask: is there room for another R&B artist in the form of Scottish hear-throb Paolo Nutini?
Nutini is appearing on a lot of Best of 2014 Album (Caustic Love) and Song (Scream–Funk My Life Up; Fashion) lists. We’ve slowly come ’round to him and particularly like the take below of one of our favorites of his, Let Me Down Easy. Check it out and let us know what you think. Is Nutini a legit artist here to stay or mid-pack fodder that’ll go away? We’re giving him the benefit of the doubt for now. Listen in below.