Watch Two Neil Youngs and One Neil Young (with The Roots) on Fallon

We’ve never hid our lifelong love of the soul-stirring music of Neil Young. So last night’s Tonight Show episode was a classic for us. First, Jimmy Fallon did his great impersonation of Young, only to be joined mid-song by Young, on the classic Old Man. If this Tonight Show gig doesn’t work out for Fallon, perhaps he can join Young and tour together.
But then true magic ensued when Young took over the stage with The Roots, a horn section and backup singers for a super-powerful version of his new song, the socially-emphatic Who’s Gonna Stand Up?, from his latest album, Storytone. Power in spades! Listen up people.
Young also sat down for an interview to discuss Bradley Cooper’s (errant) air-guitar performance of Young’s Down by the River on the Tonight Show, as well as (what else) the music player PONO.
Check ’em out sequentially below. A great night for great music on the Tonight Show.