Watch Laura Marling Drawn to Windows

NPR projected a sublime series at SXSW this year entitled South X Lullaby, during which they asked various artists to close out their Austin-filled nights. You know: late. And unadorned.
A particularly compelling segment from the series featured Brit singer-songwriter Laura Marling, who has recently begun channeling Joni Mitchell while displaying evocative guitar-playing acuity. Watch below as Marling performs Walk Alone, a late-night paen for peace from her phenomenal new album Short Movie.
Marling first sings of not needing a God or master, or anything really. And then at 1:46 her eyes are drawn above to (stained-glass) windows and to who-knows-what. At that point, and for the remainder, she can’t take her eyes off the inspiration. Marling is a rare talent. May she thrive.