Check Out Eskimeaux and Their Great Song “I Admit I’m Scared”

This week has been chockablock with would-be chart-topping releases. In an ideal world Desaparecidos’ City On a Hill and Pfarmers’ The Ol’ River Gang would be sitting at or near the top of the new-release charts and joining them would be Eskimeaux’ I Admit I’m Scared from new album O.K. on Double Double Whammy. (We would also include Death Cab For Cuties’ Black Sun in the list, but their new release may actually be a chart-topper.) We trust that in no time, the world will get a clue and our dream-chart will be realized. Holding breath.
Eskimeaux is the meauxniker [sic] of front-lady Gabrielle (Gabby) Smith, with other Brooklyn-centrics aiding, including Oliver Kalb of Bellows, Felix Walworth of Told Slant, and Jack Greenleaf of Sharpless. Apparently Smith developed O.K.’s songs on her own over two years. Smith then brought in Greenleaf to co-produce the album. Greenleaf also added arrangements and vocals.
We love everything about the song I Admit I’m Scared, which you can listen to below. Lyrically, Smith hews to the classic confessional-songwriter motif (tip-off: the song’s title). Musically, the track begins soft and treacly, then builds and adds layers and emphases until the explosion at 3:21 and the resolve. We imagine that Eskimeaux can blow the roof off of joints with this song.
Speaking of which, Eskimeaux will be touring in support of O.K. (which will be released on May 12th). You can pre-order the album HERE.
Photo above by Andrew Piccone.