Track and Field Mixtape–Torres’ “Sprinter”

It’s that time of year. In the next month-plus the best of our athletes will head toward the California State Track and Field Championships, NCAA Championships, NAIA Championships, USA National Championships, and eventually the World Championships. For some athletes their season/career is complete, all effort given and exploited in their exploits. Some may have remorse (or joy) in being done. Regardless, as Stephen Malkmus wrote: “Carry on, it’s a marathon.”
As we’ve done in the past (HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE), we add a season-end song to the Track and Field Mixtape: Sprinter, the title track of Torres’ brand new album that is justly receiving critical huzzahs. May this headstrong song serve as encouragement on any and all levels. First we sprint. And then we run. Choose to run. Choose the sun.
We’ll soon have a full review of Torres’ formidable new album. Until then, put Sprinter on repeat below. The song’s commendable lyrics are at bottom.
“Word of Life
On severed tree
I picked it up
And took a swing
My pastor told us,
“Don’t you worry,
Even Zaccheaus
Found his glory.”
I was a sprinter then
Living to see it end
Well, pastor lost
His position
Went down
For pornography
So I found myself some
Ground to stand
Bound to be
The better man
I was a sprinter then
Living to see it end
Wound up in
A holding pattern
Circled my landing
In a lather
Unnerved, I laughed,
“I planned the snag!”
Then went down
For a dipso jag
I was a sprinter then
Dying to see it end
I was a sprinter then
Dying to see it end
There’s freedom to
And freedom from
And freedom to run
From everyone
There’s freedom to
And freedom from
And freedom to run
From everyone
Well, what I did
Is what is done
The Baptist in me
Chose to run
But if there’s still time
To choose the sun
I’ll choose the sun
I’ll choose the sun
I’ll run it back
I’ll choose the sun
I’ll run it back
To everyone
If there’s still time
I’ll choose the sun
And I’ll run it back
To everyone”