Coming Soon: New Glen Hansard Album “Didn’t He Ramble”–Watch Official Video for Song “Winning Streak”

The great Glen Hansard has announced that on September 18th he will release his second solo album, Didn’t He Ramble on Anti-. Evidently, Doveman produced it, and Hansard received support from Sam Beam of Iron & Wine amongst others.
Hansard has today offered up a winning sample via song Winning Streak and the video therefor. Hansard told NPR this about the song: “‘Winning Streak’ is simply a well wish to a friend, to someone who’s been finding it hard to see the goodness in their lives. It’s a pat on the back and an encouragement to try see the good and a blessing in the everyday. Each day we’re alive is a day we can reinvent or look at life from a different perspective. Nothing changes until we do, so it’s a song of encouragement to see these things and act on them.” Listen/watch below. The song’s timing is as perfect. Bravo! What the world needs now….
You can pre-order the album HERE. The additional good news about the album’s release is that Hansard (who is sublime in concert) will undoubtedly make his way to the States in support of the album. Get ye tickets.
Track list:
1. Grace Beneath The Pines
2. Wedding Ring
3. Winning Streak
4. Her Mercy
5. McCormack’s Wall
6. Lowly Deserter
7. Paying My Way
8. My Little Ruin
9. Just To Be The One
10. Stay The Road