Springsteen and the E Street Band Played Jon Stewart His Own “Moment of Zen”

Last night Jon Stewart and The Daily Show went out in style after 16 years of greatness. To close out the finale, Stewart asked Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band to come on and perform a song request: Land of Hope and Dreams (which segued into Born to Run). As usual with the artist and the E Street Band, it was a joyous event, culminating in Stewart, his family, friends, staff and colleagues all dancing along and singing the chorus of Born to Run. And there was joy amongst the tears.
Watch below as Stewart introduces Springsteen as: “[a]n artist I really admire said that he thinks of his career as a long conversation with the audience, a dialogue. And I really like that metaphor for many different reasons. But the main one is, because it takes away the idea of finality. This show isn’t ending. We’re merely taking a small pause in the conversation. A conversation which, by the way, I have hogged … I’ve really been dominating this in a really selfish way. So rather than saying goodbye, or goodnight, I’m just gonna say: I’m gonna go get a drink, and I’m sure I’ll see you guys before I leave. So here it is. My moment of zen.”
Classy to the end.