Watch Eskimeaux’s Tiny Desk Concert

These are good (at least better) times for up and coming female artists/bandleaders. We have spent a ton of time this past year singing the praises of Courtney Barnett, Sylvan Esso, Torres, Tei Shi, and Hop Along, amongst others (with many more lurking). Add to that list Eskimeaux, who we’ve raved about ever since first hearing their song I Admit I’m Scared in April. The band is led by erstwhile Gabrielle Smith and their album O.K. has been on repeat on the Lefort Jukebox. Highly recommended, and especially for the coming-of-age set and lyrics-lovers. To get a feel (though a softer version than that on the album and live), check out below Eskimeaux’s superb Tiny Desk Concert on NPR. Folly and I Admit I’m Scared are bound to appear on our Best Songs of 2015 list.
Set List
“Folly” 00:00
“A Hug Too Long” 02:42
“I Admit I’m Scared” 05:25