Watch Glen Hansard’s New Video for “Lonely Deserter” and Heartwarming Live Performance With Young Fan

All-time favorite, Glen Hansard will soon release (on 9/18 on Anti Records) his new solo album Didn’t He Ramble. Today Hansard has released the highly entertaining video for song Lonely Deserter. The video, which you can watch below, was directed by the talented Myles O’Reilly.
About the video, Hansard told the Wall Street Journal: “I wanted to show that within a home there’s a universe of though. I grew up in a family and around families that put a lot of meaning into the Irish story, the working Irish, the stories of land struggles, of uprisings, of oppression and rebellion, the language of Ireland. And in homes all over the country the hedge school [depicted in the video] continues. Schools weren’t teaching us a true history. It was an ‘approved’ version, watered down.”
About the song, Hansard says: “The song refers to the one who claims he was there fighting alongside his brothers and sisters, whereas he spent the whole time drunk or in hiding, with a head full of ghosts to haunt him through the years.”
We love both the song and the video. Bravo!
Following the album’s release, Hansard will tour the U.S. starting in November in LA at the Walt Disney Hall. If you haven’t seen Hansard live, don’t you miss it. He’s one of our best live performers extant. Go HERE to see the dates and get tickets.
While you’re at it, check out the video HERE of Hansard performing fan-favorite Falling Slowly with a young fan. About the performance Anti Records wrote: “During a recent HMV in-store in Toronto, Glen Hansard broke a guitar string and asked if anyone had a guitar. Eighteen year old Jesse had brought hers along to be signed and she handed it to him. Glen invited her up on stage to perform and she asked if he would do Falling Slowly with her.” Just try and get through that video without a lump developing in your throat. Like we said, don’t miss him live.