Watch Tobias Jesso Jr. Featuring Duk Perform “Leaving Los Angeles” While In Los Angeles (on KCRW)
Aug 19th, 2015 in Music
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KCRW has just released yet another sterling vignette of Tobias Jesso Jr. from yesterday’s Morning Becomes Eclectic session with the artist. Check out Jesso (accompanied newly by great ensemble Duk) below performing his tremendous tune Leaving Los Angeles while in LA at KCRW. Oh the ironies. Of course we all eventually “leave” in some fashion or another. Given the great, additive performance with Duk below we roundly agree with Jesso, who wrote this about his newly fleshed out backup boys: “Can’t wait to tour with these guys.” Indeed!
Jesso plays LA’s FYF Festival this Saturday, August 22nd, and then will return to California in October. Check the tour dates HERE.